Gaming Afternoon
A Settlers of Catan tournament, open gaming, and an invitational for newly invented games
Saturday, June 4, 2016
2:00 – 6:00 PM
All ages welcome
Join us for a Settlers of Catan tournament event! Tournament prizes include gift certificates to San Francisco and East Bay game stores. If you’re new to the game, come early at 1:30 PM for a Catan practice round. Space in the tournament is limited to 16 participants – register here.
The afternoon will also feature an invitational for game inventors to bring their newly invented games, plus open gaming with Class Struggle, Forbidden Island, Magic the Gathering, and more. No registration required for the game inventors invitational or open gaming.
Flex your gaming muscles in preparation for Robby Herbst’s public art event Tournament of Games, a festival of games on Saturday, June 18 at Jackson Park Playground in San Francisco.