About 2010 Grant Process
About 2010 Grant Process
In Round 4 of the Alternative Exposure grant program, Southern Exposure awarded $65,000 to 19 projects at levels ranging from $2,500 to $3,500.
Grantees: Art Micro-Patronage, Building Steam, Corrected Slogans, Emancipated Hearts, Glass, house, Grupo MiradaPhoto, Invisible City Audio Tours, Krowswork Gallery, Mission Eye and Ear, Mission Afterviews, The Moby Residency, Needles & Pens, Ping Pong Gallery, Reflections of Healing, Royal NoneSuch Gallery, San Francisco Poets Theater, The Shadow, Sight School, and TALL (Tenderloin Art Lending Library)
An outside panel selected the 2010 grantees. Jurors included David Cunningham, founder/director of David Cunningham Projects; Julie Deamer, founder/director of Outpost for Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and Scott Oliver, an interdisciplinary sculptor and project-based artist.