SMEP 20 of 20, Wobbly (Jon Leidecker) + Jason Brown

Southern Machine Exposure Project Event 20 of 20

SMEP 20 of 20, Wobbly (Jon Leidecker) + Jason Brown

Wobbly (Jon Leidecker) (SF)
Jason Brown (LA)

In the home of Danny Gotimer, Julie Boddorff, Wiley Laufman and Annie Fleming

Saturday, June 30, 2012, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Audience Capacity:
30 people

Artist and Project Information:

Join us for this three part performance with a set by Wobbly, a talk by Jason Brown and an un-rehearsed collaborative performance and reunion by Jon and Jason. 

Wobbly (Jon Leidecker), Unoriginal Lineup
Feedback is the intrinsic voice of electronic music, the one thing that did not exist before an amplifier, a microphone and a speaker. The ability to play back recordings and experience them as an equivalent of live music is an extension of the same electronic voice. The early pioneers of electronic music were the first to notice how closely related the resulting sounds were to animal voices, particularly insect noises and birdsong. Tonight’s concert will be improvised using both animal and electronic voices. 

Jason Brown
Cybernetics! Oh silver-ravey blinken-goggly boo-boo child of the quaintly 90s cybery-cyber Cyber!

But no. The Cyber is Serious. The Cyber is Now and Happening. 
The Cyber is Feedback — gooey seething morass of evolution! The Cyber is Pleasure — savory sweet mechanism molded to your desires! The Cyber is Control. FEEL GOOD CONTROL. It is Responsive! You WANT the Responding! You WANT the Control! Why Happening??? Because CYBER.
These relational mechanisms, these intercontextual embeddings, these external cortices, these mulching membranes, these delequessing meanings, these clouds of erasure. What are they saying? What are they trying to tell us? What's the story here, bub?
It will be a talk using slides. Very logical. Very rational. It will all make sense. It will all be over soon.

Jon Leidecker and Jason Brown
Jon Leidecker and Jason Brown were both members of the radio show "Wobbly Media Joke" before Wobbly's relocation to San Francisco to finance the creation of Corporate Alternatives Inc. Tonight's rehearsal-free show will conclude with their first collaborative live performance in 16 years.

Southern Machine Exposure Project events all take place in private homes that serve as public venues. As a result of the intimate nature of these 20 unique spaces there is limited attendance for each event. If you’d like to attend, you must sign up ahead of time and register online. Registration for each project opens seven days prior to the actual event. One new project opens daily at noon beginning June 4, 2012. Times and audience capacity varies for each project. Pre-registration is REQUIRED and all events are FREE.

Southern Machine Exposure Project is a project developed by Southern Exposure (San Francisco) and Machine Project (Los Angeles), involving 20 combinations of artists and performers from LA and SF, presented off-site in 20 homes in the Bay Area over 20 consecutive days from June 11 - 30.