The Tallest Part of the Arch Opening Reception
Friday, Feburary 15, 2019
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Please join us for the opening reception of The Tallest Part of the Arch: a group exhibition curated by SoEx Curatorial Council Member Marcela Pardo Ariza that combines writing, photography, video, ceramics, music and installations to re-center narratives of those who have migrated, live in between cultures, and embrace their hybridity as a place of resistance and joy.
Featuring work by Susana Eslava, Jamil Hellu, Humanizando la Deportación (Humanizing Deportation), Javier Ocampo, Maria Paz, Purin Phanichphant and Cristina Victor with texts by Ángel Rafael Vázquez-Concepción, Juliana Delgado Lopera, Jackie Valle and Jovanna Venegas, this show posits that those who inhabit multiple identities or assimilate strategically are central to our social structure, because their very existence is an extension of solidarity and an enactment of resilience.
Can't make it to the opening reception on February 15? Come see the exhibition during regular gallery hours through March 30, Tuesday - Saturday from 12:00 to 6:00pm!