Beast Nest, The Creatrix: Live Musical Performance
A diverse selection of Bay Area musicians activate Recapturing Memories of the Black Ark
Thursday, April 6, 2017, 7:00 PM
$10-$20 sliding scale at door
Beast Nest is the primary performance vehicle for Sharmi Basu, a queer South Asian woman of color focused on creating experimental music as a means of decolonizing musical language.
The Creatrix is a sound exploration of multidisciplinary Fanciulla Gentile. Her work considers the ways that post-human beings investigate birth, death and destruction. Through this speculative lens her soundscapes are documents of the biomechanical and temporal nature of everything in the universe and an ode to the genesis that binds us all across dimensions. Gentile is from San Francisco.
See the full schedule of Black Ark performers below. Performances on Opening Night and scheduled Thursdays and Saturdays through April.
In addition to an artist stipend in accordance with WAGE standards, the performers will receive 50% of the proceeds from admissions.