Only a Signal Shown: Week 1 (February 1 - 7, 2013)
Week #1 Opening Reception: Friday, February 1, 2013, 7–9 pm
Week #1 Dates: February 1 - 7, 2013
Exhibition Dates: February 1 - March 9, 2013
Gallery Hours: Tuesday–Saturday, 12–6 pm
Join us for the Opening Reception of Week #1 on Friday, February 1, 2013, from 7-9 pm. Week #1 of Only a Signal Shown, curated by Jonn Herschend, presents short works of experimental and absurdist narrative, with videos by Chris Kubick, Lina Lapelyte, Kristin Lucas, Jake Portman & Bill Sneed, Lindsey White, the Wonderment Consortium, and the Zellner Brothers.
The 7 videos selected by Jonn Herschend for the first week of Only a Signal Shown are loosely linked by the concepts of structure and chaos. Each of the artists takes elements of video structure and confounds them, either by stretching them to their breaking point or repeating them to such a degree that the final product is changed completely. The same concept is echoed in the formal arrangement of the videos and their interaction within the larger context of the gallery space. Once they are put into motion, these five projections can't help but bleed into one another, transforming the viewer and the space with their conversation.
1. Lina Lapelyte
Candy Shop, 2012
3:47 min
Originating from a song written by 50cent, Candy Shop is a video by Lina Lapelyte in which she performs the hiphop hit using her own voice, body, and a borrowed accordion. Candy shop is also a name for a series of video works and performances in which Lina Lapelyte revisits well known hip-hop songs to question gender, beauty, and the mundane.
2. Zellner Brothers
4:22 min
An unprecedented peek at the mysteries of nature, this film is the result of six months of tracking a pregnant female sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is the most important piece of sasquatch footage since the famous Patterson-Gimlin film of 1967.
3. Chris Kubick
Surprise!, 2012
15 min
Like much of Kubick’s work, Surprise! draws its inspiration from Hollywood and in particular Hollywood Sound Effects Libraries. This piece brings together a collection of sounds and sound-titles that emerge from Kubick’s personal database of sound effects using the search term ‘surprise’. Putting ‘surprise’ in quotes is here doubly relevant, because surprise in Hollywood is so deeply clichéd and in fact predictable that it registers not as surprise in the truest sense, but in fact as a conventional trope with expected and predictable consequences. The attendant confusion, along with a healthy dose of zoinks, boinks and raspberries, makes for some good fun.
4. Wonderment Consortium
Satanist Waits for a Bus, 2012
7:06 min
Satanist Waits for a Bus is a story of personal empowerment through religious faith...and, also, waiting for a bus.
5. Kristin Lucas
ETC Summer Mix 2011, 2011-2013
6:32 min
Composed of Analog-processed stock footage, stock sound, and animated GIFs mixed to tape during an Experimental Television Center residency in 2011, this video features the new and early generation image processing tools created by Dave Jones, Dan Sandin, and Nam Jun Paik and Shuya Abe.
6. Jake Portman and Bill Sneed
Forest in Winter, 2011
4:30 min
This darkly comedic short film perverts a well-known fairty tale into a bizarre fable that is poised to traumatize a new generation of children and adults. Combining two disparate animation styles, puppetry, two languages and grammatically challenged subtitles, the piece defies categorization, to say the least. The short was animated, designed, directed and concepted by creative team Jake Portman and Bill Sneed, and written by Charlie Short. They collectively apologize in advance for any nightmares the film may inspire.
7. Lindsey White
Trip, 2012
2:53 min
Life’s a trip.