November 4, 2005 - December 10, 2005
Opening Reception: Friday, November 4, 2005, 7:00 - 9:00pm
Southern Exposure announces Mayhem, the 15th Annual Entry-Fee Free Juried Exhibition of Northern California Art. The annual juried exhibition has become the premiere showcase of cutting-edge contemporary artwork by promising local talent. Unlike many open calls for work that charge a submission fee, Southern Exposure’s juried exhibition does not require artists to pay to enter their work. The exhibition is open to any artist living in Northern California north of King City and south of the Oregon border. In past years, over 700 artworks have been hand-delivered to the gallery for jurying, attesting to the extreme popularity of the show. For many of the artists selected, this is their first major exhibition and an important step in advancing their career. A different theme is selected every year to inspire and encourage a broad level of artistic expression. By leaving the theme and media open to the artists’ interpretation, the work is conceptually and aesthetically diverse, drawing from as many insights and forms of expression as possible. Southern Exposure's 2005 theme, Mayhem, was conceived as a response to the current political and cultural climate.