Grey Invaders
August 30 - October 13, 2002
Opening Reception: August 30, 2002, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
The Grey Invaders series of dioramas by John C.Rogers details the failed takeover of the United States by an unknown force, who apparently utilized otherworldly powers to immobilize our defenses, destroy many of our major cities, and propel themselves in an attempt to circle the heart of our nation, the obvious result of which would be complete domination. Grey Invaders is an exercise in overlaying a military template upon consumer culture in an investigation of parallels in the dynamics of control inherent in both systems. Red zones, stop signs and brand names flirt with armor and firepower in these tiny scenes, developing a critical dialogue questioning our imperialist tendencies. In their hyper-realist rendering, the freeze-frames accentuate the absurdity of the scenes due to the preciousness of the tiny scale and quotidian activities of the ubermen tromping their way across our nation.