Both Are True
Exhibition on View: January 7 – February 19, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, January 7, 2011, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Artist Talks: Friday January 7, 2011, 6:30 – 7:00 PM
Ginger Wolfe-Suarez treads in memories, deconstructing specific experiences into forms that have been pared back just enough to feel as if they are our own. A piece of sky, a concrete jacket, the smell of fresh mint lingering in the room: for her installation at Southern Exposure, Wolfe-Suarez reassembles these fragments into a sensory landscape that invites us to ponder the elusiveness of what and how we remember. While her work can appear economical from the outside looking in, encountering Wolfe-Suarez’s work in person engages our own sense of memory to fill in the gaps between and around objects. As with architecture, the viewer is the missing piece that activates the space.