Recipes for an Encounter

Recipes for an Encounter

Presentation by Berin Golonu, Candice Hopkins and Marisa Jahn.
Cosponsored by REV and Western Front

Thursday, January 28, 2010
7:00 - 9:00 pm
*Dress Warmly!

Join artist Marisa Jahn and curators Berin Golonu and Candice Hopkins to launch their new book, "Recipes for an Encounter," a compendium of recipes, instructionals, diagrams, scores and texts that function as catalysts for various types of encounters. In "Recipes for an Encounter," readers are invited to complete the work by testing out the recipes to yield infinitely varied outcomes.

Artists who've contributed to the book and others will share their recipes in a night of interactive performances. The Center for Tactical Magic will demonstrate spellbinding techniques of sorcery, seduction and spectacle. Matt Volla will lead group exercises in mimesis and empathy. Local chef Jerome Waag will involve the audience in preparing cakes made form wild fennel gleaned from the margins of the city. And the co-editors of the book will narrate a brief history of art works disseminated as recipes.

Also, join the editors on Saturday, January 30th, from 12:00 to 3:00 pm for a workshop at the Studio for Urban Projects that will feature an exercise by Michael Swaine in stopping time to meet the speed of the city with slowness, and another exercise in preparing a recipe written by Frederick Douglass on how American slaves prepared 'ash cakes.' Larry Bogad will show examples of tactical performance and guide participants in creative action planning and historical role-playing. Amy Franceschini's exercise will remain top-secret until the day of the workshop.

For more information on the workshop click here.