Peter Glantz and the Imaginary Company: Being Impossible
Peter Glantz performs an ever-changing show featuring pure love, comedy, colorful videos and interstellar travel. The multi-media performance uses video, music, physical comedy and handmade masks to tell the tale of a science student's thrilling journey to the sun. The movies and music included in the performance were created in collaboration with The Imaginary Company — a loose network of artists and musicians that include Andrew W.K. (Cartoon Network/Island Records), Becky Stark (Lavender Diamond), Lightning Bolt, Jacob Ciocci (Paper Rad), Ron Rege, Jr. (Fantagraphics), and Gunsho, Kevin Hooyman and Damian Kulash (OK Go). The performance at SoEx will feature a live guest appearance via Skype by Becky Stark of Lavender Diamond.
Quotes about Peter Glantz and Being Impossible
"Peter Glantz is just one of those creative people whose mind doesn't know any limits."
— Andrew W.K.
"Peter Glantz creates live theater that deals with the failing health of the planet, hope for world peace, and the quest for identity and personal fulfillment. He addresses sentimental and philosophical issues… without being insincere or hokey in any way. Peter achieves a carefully struck balance."
— Sara Agniel, RISD Museum Catalogue
"Being Impossible is a multi-media assault… Glantz and company have the uncanny skill of mixing a sly poignancy into their production. Otherworldly, definitely, but there’s something unexpectedly relatable about a glowing snake-man’s voyage to the sun."
— Eric Schuman, Philadelphia City Paper
"Being Impossible is a great theatrick with genuine wonder… about a plucky psychonaut that everyone could relate to."
Jacob Berendes, Mothers News
"Peter Glantz is a cult hero."
— Daniel McGowan, The Providence Phoenix
"All the weird kids liked it, that’s how you know it was cool."
— Kevin, Senior at Vineland, New Jersey, highschool after seeing Being Impossible