Power: Connectivity: A Video Series

Spring 2007 Balboa High School Media Program

Power: Connectivity: A Video Series

Power : Connectivity / CAST Participants: Karla Gallardo, Nicolas Ha, Michael Kubota, Calvin Lee, Olivia Leung, Yves Pastores, Eduardo Sanchez, Antonette Santiago, Clyde Seegmiller, Robin Usi

Local video artist Amy Hicks, Balboa High art teacher George Lee and young artists in Balboa High's CAST program use video to explore concepts related to power and connectivity. Diagrams of urban energy systems and walking video trips following San Francisco power lines serve as models for understanding the connective potential of electronic media devices and the impact these tools have on community resources. In class and after school sessions are designed to expand notions of video as an instrument for communication, assimilation, and access as well as an art form. Using observation, conceptual experiments, writings, in-depth investigations and imagination students create a thematic series of large screen short videos to be screened at Dolby Labratories on Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM.

* This activity is funded in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.